Agenda for 2013 Meeting

(updated 26 Aug 2013 – final agenda)

Light and Color in Nature, 5–8 August 2013 at the University of Alaska Fairbanks

Monday, 5 August

Session 1: Introduction, 0900-1030, Kenneth Sassen Chair 

Welcome by Robert McCoy, Director of the Geophysical Institute

Opening Remarks by Kenneth Sassen, Committee Chair

0930 Invited: Atmospheric optics at the early Geophysical Institute, Glenn Shaw

1000 Keynote: Noctilucent clouds – ice clouds at the edge of space in the polar summer, Richard Collins

Coffee break (continued registration), 1030-1100

Session 2: Historical Optics, 1100-1200, Joseph Shaw Chair 

1100: 2.1 The 1665 orange halo of Huygens’s father, Gunther Konnen

1120: 2.2 The 35 minute green flash observed at Little America on 16 Oct 1929: a retrospective study, James Lock

1140: 2.3 The Nuremburg halo display of April 19, 1630, Eva Seidenfaden

Lunch (at the Geophysical Institute Globe Room), 1200-1300

1300 Invited: Cloud Forms, Stanley Gedzelman

Session 3: Scattering Interference Phenomena, 1330-1430, Stan Gedzelman Chair 

1330: 3.1 Revisiting the corona, Philip Laven

1400: 3.2 The heiligenschein, John Adam and Philip Laven

Coffee Break, 1430-1500

Session 4: Ocean Color/Optics, 1500- 1640, Philip Laven Chair 

1500: 4.1 Colors of thermal pools in Yellowstone National Park, Paul Nugent, Joseph Shaw and Michael Vollmer

1520: 4.2 Caustics due to complex water menisci, Charles Adler and James Lock

1540: 4.3 Improvement of remotely sensed Kd (PAR) of shallow turbid water in the Yellow Sea, Bumjun Kil and Stephan Howden

Public Optics Demonstration, 1730-1900, Kenneth Sassen Chair 

Halomator and spectrodrom – a basement laboratory of atmospheric optics, by Michael Grossmann, Alexander Haussmann, and Elmar Schmidt

Conference Reception at the Museum of the North (light dinner), 1930-2100

Tuesday, 6 August

Registration, 0800-0900

Session 5: Ice Crystal Halos/Arcs, 0900-1030, Michael Vollmer Chair

0900: 5.1 Invited: “Lowitz Arcs Revisited”, Robert Greenler, Les Cowley, and Robert Gorkin

0930: 5.2 Halos due to scattering by randomly oriented crystals, Gunther Konnen

0950: 5.3 Brightness profile of the 22 degree halo, Dave Lynch

1010: 5.4 Pyramidal halo phenomenon in Virginia June 21st, 2010, Elmar Schmidt, T. Alan Clark, A. Haussmann, and Claudia Hinz

Coffee break, 1030-1100

Session 5 continued: Ice Crystal Halos/Arcs, 1100 -1200, Michael Vollmer Chair 

1100: 5.5 Streetlight halos, Walter Tape

1120: 5.6 Parry’s arc from nearby light sources in Deadhorse, Alaska, Kenneth Sassen and Colin Triplett

1140: 5.7 Halo simulation progress report, Stanley Gedzelman

Lunch (at the Geophysical Institute Globe Room), 1200-1300

Session 5 continued: Ice Crystal Halos/Arcs, 1300-1350, Michael Vollmer Chair 

1300: 5.8 Laboratory Demonstration, Position-related spectra within experimental parhelia: Simple hands-on experiments explaining the perceived color of sun dogs, K.-P. Mollmann and M. Vollmer

1330: 5.9 Brilliant colors from a white snow cover, Michael Vollmer and Joseph Shaw

Session 6: General Observations, 1350-1430, Gunther Konnen Chair 

1350: 6.1 Unusual optical phenomena from mountain sites, Claudia Hinz

1410: 6.2 Establishment of the global meteopark system, Lai Bixing

Coffee Break, 1430-1500

Session 7 Biological Colors: 1530-1640, Robert Greenler Chair 

1500: 7.1 On the purpose of color for living beings: a new theory of color organization, Katia Deiana and Baingio Pinna

1520: 7.2 How can a fish hide in the open ocean?, Robert Greenler

1540: 7.3 Iridescent colors in spider webs, H. Joachim Schlichting

1600: 7.4 Structural color of the butterfly wing scale, S. Yoshioka

1620: 7.5 Total internal reflection as solar protection for the Saharan desert ant Cataglyphis bombycina, Priscilla Simonis and Jean Pol Vigneron

Session 8 Mirages: 1640-1700, Robert Greenler Chair 

1640: 8.1 Visible and invisible mirages: comparing inferior mirages in the visible and thermal infrared spectral range, Michael Vollmer, Joseph Shaw, Paul Nugent

Riverboat Discovery Chena River Excursion and Dinner, 1900-2200

Wednesday, 7 August

Session 9: Rainbows: 0900-1030, Walter Tape Chair 

0900: 9.1 Invited: The natural tertiary rainbow- A photographic first, M. Grossmann

0930: 9.2 Photographic observation of a natural fifth-order rainbow, Harald Edens

0950: 9.3 Polarization and visibility of higher order rainbows, Gunther Konnen

1010: 9.4 Recent rainbow revelations, Robert Greenler

Coffee break, 1030-1100

Session 9 continued: Rainbows, 1100-1200, Walter Tape Chair 

1100: 9.5 New insights into the rainbow, Part 1, Jean Louis Ricard, Peter Adams, and Jean Barckicke

1120: 9.6 New insights into the rainbow, Part 2, Jean Louis Ricard, Peter Adams, and Jean Barckicke

1140: 9.7 Observation, photogrammetry, and analysis of a twinned rainbow, Alexander Haussmann

Lunch (at the Geophysical Institute Globe Room), 1200-1300

Session 9 continued: Rainbows, 1300-1430, David Lynch Chair 

1300: 9.8 A physically based rainbow simulator taking the background into consideration, Moon R. Jung

1320: 9.9 Influence of non-spherical raindrop shapes on higher order rainbows, Alexander Haussmann

1340: 9.10 Flashes of light below the dripping faucet: an optical signal from capillary oscillations of water drops, Thomas Timusk

1400: 9.11 Digital Imagery Forum, A post-Faustian review of digital imagery: the good, the bad, and the weird, Dave Lynch, Leader

Coffee Break, 1430-1500

Session 10: Atmospheric Color and Polarization, 1500-1720, Raymond Lee Chair 

1500: 10.1 Seeing, adapting to, and reproducing the appearance of nature, Mark Fairchild

1520: 10.2 What is the spectrum of skylight polarization? Joseph Shaw and Nathan Pust

1540: 10.3 Measuring haze’s effects on the colors and visible-wavelength spectra of clear skies, Raymond Lee

1600: 10.4 Views affected by a wavy air-water surface, Yoav Y. Schechner

1620: 10.5 Simulating dark sunlit clouds, Stanley Gedzelman

1640: 10.6 Shadows, Dave Lynch

The Light & Color Official Slide Show (“pretty picture session”), 1715 to whenever

Thursday, 8 August

Session 11: Astronomical Optics, 0900-1030, Charles Adler Chair 

0900: 11.1 Invited: Twilight’s Belt of Venus, by Raymond Lee

0930: 11.2 Visibility of Sirius in broad daylight, Gunther Konnen and Piet Stammes

0950: 11.3 Some elementary but surprising facts about the sun’s location in the sky, A. James Mallmann and Steven P. Mayer

1010: 11.4 Earthshine brightness and visibility, David Lynch

Coffee break, 1030-1100

Session 11 continued: Astronomical Optics, 1100-1200, Kenneth Sassen Chair 

1100: 11.5 The use of light and color in astrophysical imaging, Travis A. Rector, Zoltan Levay, Lisa Frattare, Jayanne Engllish, and Kirk Pu-uohau-Pummill

1120: 11.6 Lunar eclipse photometry across the world – first correlations, Elmar Schmidt

1140: 11.7 Using light and color to detect life on Earth-like extra-solar planets, Eyal Schwartz, Stephen G. Lipson, and Erez N. Ribak

Concluding Remarks and Challenge, by Kenneth Sassen

Conference Concludes: 1215

Afternoon Tour of Chatanika gold mining area (lunch) and UAF Poker Flat Rocket Range


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About Joe Shaw

Joseph Shaw is Director of the Optical Technology Center and Professor of Electrical Engineering, Optics, and Physics at Montana State University in Bozeman, Montana. He loves to photograph, study, and teach about optical effects in nature. His PhD is in Optical Sciences from the University of Arizona.